Farinha (2022) The Impact of Aquatic Exercise Programs on the cardiovascular variables

Summary: Impact of Aquatic Exercise Programs on Cardiovascular Health in Older Adults

Keyphrase: Aquatic Exercise and Cardiovascular Health

Aquatic exercise is increasingly recognized for its potential benefits, particularly for older adults. The study by Farinha et al. (2022) explores the impact of different aquatic exercise programs on cardiovascular health indicators in older adults. This randomized controlled trial involved 102 participants, divided into four groups: aerobic exercise, aerobic interval, combined exercise, and a control group.

Exercise Programs and Their Impact The participants engaged in their respective aquatic exercise programs for 28 weeks. The study measured several cardiovascular health indicators, including intima-media thickness (IMT) of the carotid arteries, hemodynamic parameters like blood pressure, and biochemical markers such as lipid profiles and chemokines.

Findings and Implications Significant improvements were observed in some of the exercise groups. Notable changes included reductions in diastolic diameter, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and improved lipid profiles. These results suggest that aquatic exercise can positively influence cardiovascular health in older adults. Moreover, aerobic exercises, whether continuous or interval, showed more pronounced benefits.

Conclusion This research underscores the potential of aquatic exercise as a valuable intervention for improving cardiovascular health in the older population. It highlights the need for tailored exercise programs that cater to the specific health needs of older adults.

Keyphrase: Aquatic Exercise and Cardiovascular Health

Keywords: Aquatic exercise, Cardiovascular health, Older adults, Randomized controlled trial, Aerobic exercise, Hemodynamic parameters, Lipid profile, Chemokines, Intima-media thickness


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