Albarello P (2012) Efeitos da Fisioterapia Aquática em um indivíduo com Síndrome Pós-Pólio Relato de Caso

Introduction to Post-Polio Syndrome and Aquatic Therapy

Post-Polio Syndrome (PPS) emerges in individuals years after an initial Poliovirus infection, marked by symptoms such as progressive muscle weakness, fatigue, and pain, leading to decreased functional capabilities. Aquatic therapy, recognized for its rehabilitative benefits in neurological conditions for centuries, leverages the buoyancy of water to facilitate voluntary movements with minimal fatigue, offering a promising approach for PPS management.

Objective and Methodology of the Study

This case study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of aquatic therapy in treating a patient with PPS. Utilizing a structured exercise protocol encompassing relaxation, strengthening, stretching, and mobilization exercises within a water environment, the study sought to measure the impact on the patient’s symptoms and overall quality of life.

Results: A Positive Shift in Symptoms and Quality of Life

Post-treatment assessments showed significant improvements in the patient’s fatigue levels, pain reduction, and overall quality of life, as measured by the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for pain, and the SF36 quality of life questionnaire. These findings underscore the potential of aquatic therapy in alleviating the debilitating symptoms of PPS.

Discussion: The Therapeutic Power of Water

The study highlights the multifaceted benefits of aquatic therapy for PPS patients, from pain alleviation to enhanced quality of life. The unique properties of water, including buoyancy and hydrostatic pressure, provide a supportive environment that reduces joint stress while facilitating effective exercise, making it a viable alternative to traditional land-based therapies.

Conclusion: Aquatic Therapy as a Promising PPS Intervention

Aquatic therapy has demonstrated its efficacy in improving the physical and mental well-being of individuals with PPS, offering a therapeutic avenue that combines physical rehabilitation with the soothing properties of water. Further research could expand on these findings, exploring the long-term benefits and potential variations in aquatic therapy protocols for PPS patients.

Keywords: Post-Polio Syndrome, Aquatic Therapy, Rehabilitation, Quality of Life, Pain Reduction, Fatigue Management.

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