The Halliwick® Concept by Johan Lambeck and Urs Gamper (2010)

The Halliwick Concept is grounded in the Ten-Point Program, which emphasizes mental adjustment, balance control, and movement in water. Utilizing the unique properties of the aquatic environment to enhance mobility, stability, and functional independence.

Introduction to the Halliwick Concept

The Halliwick Concept originated with James McMillan in 1950. The Halliwick Concept  is focusing on integrating individuals with disabilities into swimming activities to promote physical independence. This method utilizes the principles of fluid mechanics to facilitate balance, mobility, and functional movement patterns in water.

The Ten-Point Program

Central to the Halliwick Concept is the Ten-Point Program, which is structured around mental adjustment to the aquatic environment, developing balance control through various rotational movements, and enhancing movement with an emphasis on independence and safety in water.

Therapeutic Applications and Clinical Reasoning

The Halliwick Concept has broad applications in therapy, particularly for individuals with neurological impairments like stroke, cerebral palsy, and spinal cord injuries. Through tailored aquatic exercises, patients can improve balance, coordination, muscle strength, and overall functional mobility.

Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Emerging research supports the effectiveness of the Halliwick Concept in improving balance, mobility, and quality of life for individuals with various disabilities. Studies have shown significant benefits in balance control, functional movement, and participation in daily activities.

Conclusion and Clinical Implications

The Halliwick Concept offers a holistic and adaptable framework for aquatic therapy, providing significant therapeutic benefits for individuals with diverse needs. Its emphasis on independence, functional mobility, and the enjoyable nature of water-based activities makes it a valuable approach in rehabilitation.

The text contains 21 chapters and 560 pages. The book can be ordered from Amazon (US). EWAC Medical has been granted permission from Bruce Becker MD and Andrew Cole MD to publish 3 chapters.

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